
Tools that help reduce the carbon emissions of software

Cardamon gives organisations the dev tools they need to measure software power consumption so they can reduce the impact of their digital products.

Measure Your Website

Estimate the environmental impact of your website with a Cardamon report.

Illustration representing computer hardware and data centers

The Problem

Computer hardware and data centres use a lot of energy! Until now, most of the focus has been on optimising hardware, yet ICT emissions continue to grow at an alarming rate.

Laptop illustration

But Software can also be optimised to use less energy - this is where Cardamon comes in.

Illustration representing Cardamon's solution

The Solution

Cardamon focuses on one part of this problem, measurement. You cannot reduce what you don't measure. By Instrumenting the software development lifecycle we place energy demand as a core consideration alongside cost, risk, security, performance etc.

The Benefits


Cardamon can monitor any environment: dev, staging and production so your business has real-time estimates of the power needs of your software system.

Fully integrated into your development lifecycle Cardamon can help reduce the environmental impact of your digital infrastructure.

Illustration representing computer hardware and data centers
Developer illustration


Cardamon helps developers understand the impact their code changes have on power consumption. Change code, run Cardamon, see the difference.

Ready to try it out?

Discover how Cardamon works by downloading it from GitHub and trying it out for yourself.

Have Questions?

Get in touch. [email protected]